Monday, June 30, 2014

Beetroot Leaves Dal

Beetroot is one of the veggies that I never forget to put in my shopping list every week but its the last one to be used from the fridge. Not my favorite vegetable at all and most of the time I consume it as soup - the recipe is here, because that's the only tasty way to get rid of the veggie :). I hardly venture into making beets poriyal/stir-fry which is the most common dish. If only deep-frying wasnt a sin I would probably make the yummy beetroot vadai all the time ;).

Beet leaves that came along with the veggie were new to me before moving to the US, back home they just sell the beetroot with no leaves on them. I normally discard the leaves, it never struck me to use them as another type of greens or that it could taste pretty good until recently. Now I save these up each time and make this absolutely lip-smacking dal with beet leaves and stems. The yummiest dal that I have made until now and pairs up great with soft home-made pulkas.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Crispy Quinoa Dosai

I am not sure about other South Indian households but in mine, the dosai is irreplaceable. A week without it and it feels like forever. But consuming carbs in such high quantities on a regular basis makes you feel very guilty as well. So here we are taking baby steps in reducing the amount of carbs but still not compromising too much with respect to taste :).

Quinoa dosai is pretty easy to make. The taste of quinoa dosai is not too wierd either and it turns out as crispy as normal dosai does. If you can put up with the odd smell of ground and fermented quinoa, then there is no turning back to the regular kinds :)

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Death by Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Ganache

To me Barista's Death by chocolate cake is absolute bliss :). Inspite of not having a sweet tooth at all, I crave for this all the time. During my initial pre/post wedding days, me and S frequented this place often and it was during one of those visits S ordered this cake and I have been hooked to it since then.  After relocating to the US I never could find its replacement. I have spent so much time on yelp trying to find bakeries and pastry shops which would make something similar, but no luck there :/.

After a lot of contemplation I decided to make the cake myself for S's birthday and Laura Vitales "Devils chocolate cake" did the trick. It seemed to be the exact same replica of the Death by Chocolate cake. When you make this cake I would highly suggest you to blind yourself to the sin laden calories that you will be putting on :). Dont tell me I dint warn you, you wont be able to stop with just one piece of this chocolate rich pastry. The best part is this cake stays well for 4-5 days at room temperature when stored in an air-tight container. One week of happy dessert time I promise ;).

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Garlic Herb Grilled Chicken

I have been away from this blog for a really long time, but couldnt help it, I had to be silent. I am glad to be back with a post now :). I dont think I can be very regular like how I used to be with the frequency of posting but I promise I will try very hard to post atleast 1-2 times a week.

This dish is something I made for S without actually a recipe plan in mind and he loved it so much. Simple flavoured grilled chicken served along with fresh carrots and mashed potatoes. S loves this combination of grilled chicken with mashed potatoes and had been requesting me to replicate at it home. I think after almost a year I made this, took me so long!!

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